pull up a chair

where wisdom gathers, poetry unfolds and divine light is sparked…

please, pull up a chair. plop down for awhile. poke around. there’s good company here. the kitchen table is where we gather. life’s little moments, the things we often consider: how we dwell, how we stir in the kitchen, how we tend our gardens, outside and in. how we love.

we spend moments each day pondering that which matters most, mostly here on the homefront. but, too, we keep an eye on the wide world beyond. we’re intent on making each day a little more thoughtful, a little more prayerful, a little more sprinkled with everyday grace.

daily meanderings are where you’ll find musings for the day. come to the table. share your thoughts. back in the chair’s very first year, december 2006 through december 2007, i meandered monday through friday. now i meander at least every friday, but as the spirit moves me as well. meanderings are archived forever. peek through the stack.

pull up a chair here

6 responses

  1. Hi Barbara,
    Love your work and heard from Kathryn Clarke Kaplan that you wrote a blog about CMH closing but I can’t find it.
    Can you help me out.

    • well, i am so glad you found us, and i am so sorry we were missing. bless you for pulling up a chair….

      actually, dear joan, to follow the blog, and not this website, go to pullupachair.org/ and follow there, and you will have a choice of signing up to get an email whenever there is a new chair. this website is more of a storehouse, a repository of clips, and CV etc. the actual blog where i write every friday is over at pullupachair.org/ see you there, i hope!!!

  2. Dear Barbara, Your books have been a source of food for our spirit as well as our brain! Will reintroduce myself : we were a Deerfield/Holy Cross residents for many years. Knew your mom and and hope she is doing well( not an essy task at our level if maturity). We moved to Omaha Menraska as my husband, Larry’s health declined to
    Be near our daughter Debbie and family about fifteen years ago of course , my first jump into the community of at. Leo Oarish was to be in the book group Faith Disvoveries. Our group has read each of your books and
    So appreciated your stories, essays, lessons and carols! We are now starting your new book bconnrcting nature and spirituality. If you have a moment would like to hear from you regarding it. My copy is amaxonimg it’s way to me. Please give yourom
    My best regards. With thanks for your authorship , Mary Beth Donovan- marydonovan@ cox.net 224 612 1811.

    • dear mary beth! sooo lovely to find you here. i will send a note right now to your email!! bless you and your book group for reading all the books.

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